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Co-Founder of Apple Steve Wazniak also known as Woz, was born August 11, 1950 to Margaret Louise Wozniak, Francis Jacob Wozniak. 

Apple's former CEO Steve Jobs born February 24, 1955, San Francisco, CA. Died October 5, 2011, Palo Alto, CA. Jobs parents, JoanneSchieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, put him up for adoption when he was born. Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.

Steve Wozniak

Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs were the true founders of Apple. In 1976, Steven Wozniak designed what is now known as the Apple I. Jobs convinced Wozniak that he needed to try to sell the machine, and on April 1, 1976, Apple Computer was created. However, the market was not ready for such an advancement in technology, thus setting back the take off of Apple until 1977. Apple began to increase development with the introduction of the Apple II. The Apple II, included color graphics and came in its own plastic casing. The first real computer to come pre-assembled, there for making it more attractive to a larger group of consumers. After the introduction of the Apple II, the orders for Apples increased dramatically.

Steve Jobs
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